
Within 5 minutes, you can launch one of the ©21 Initiatives and identify specific opportunity by department, location, district and region. You can also determine a disparity ratio between management and your employees.

You can personalize the program to your organization’s needs by configuring the questions as well as adding your own questions pertinent to your specific concerns.

The accuracy of the results is increased from your ability to inquire and clarify the right area of focus, reducing the ambiguity in the questions and subjectivity in the responses.


We make the process of measuring and improving your operation easy and cost effective. We will help you empower your employees to identify opportunities to take action on, saving your company significant consulting costs and time.


We realize that it is important for you to understand your critical challenges and opportunities. No one outside your organization knows more about how your business currently operates and how to improve it better than those experts within it.


Within 5 minutes you can launch your own personalized employee engagement program to meet your organization’s needs. The accuracy of the results is increased from your ability to inquire and clarify within the right area of focus. Take the time and read more about our ©21 Initiative solution.